Eclipse Collections — 2020 Retrospective

Sirisha Pratha
6 min readDec 31, 2020


Picture captured by Karthik Uppuluri on Septemeber 7th, 2020

Eclipse Collections is an Open Source Java Collections library with 16+ years in the making. As we start this new year 2021, many feelings come to mind. I started my Open Source journey in 2020 by contributing to Eclipse Collections. In November 2020, I was elected as a committer. I am filled with gratitude and humility for having being given this opportunity, platform, and more importantly, support and kindness from the Eclipse Collections team.

We at Eclipse Collections are thankful to all our contributors and supporters who played an integral role in keeping this Open Source library vibrant and successful. Looking back at 2020, we had an increase in the number of contributors, contributions, Eclipse Collections advocates, and supporters. Below are some current statistics of Eclipse Collections GitHub repository.

Fun Facts about Eclipse Collections

  1. Years of development — 16 and counting.
  2. GitHub Stars — 1605
  3. Contributors — 85
  4. Committers — 6
  5. Releases — 48.

Eclipse Collections API Design Deep Dive presentation is available for anyone is who is interested to learn about the library. Here you will find all the design goals, symmetry-driven API evolution, performance strategies, new APIs introduced in each release (including releases from 2020).

In December 2020, we celebrated the 5 years anniversary since we joined the Eclipse Foundation. Follow Eclipse Collections on Twitter, to get periodic updates about our contributors and contributions. In light of these celebrations, we started Eclipse Collections December Learning Series — a collection of blogs on Eclipse Collections from various authors.

Eclipse Collections December Learning Series

Day 1: Help Wanted! How the community can contribute.

Day 2: Visualizing Eclipse Collections

Day 3: We learn about all of the cool features in the Eclipse Collections 10.3 release.

Day 4: The Java Evolution of Eclipse Collections. We learn the evolution of the framework since Java 8 was released.

Day 5: We learn how UnifiedMap works in Eclipse Collections.

Day 6: We learn how to save memory using UnifiedSet in Eclipse Collections.

Day 7: We learn how to count using the Bag data structure in Eclipse Collections.

Day 8: We learn how to use Multimaps.

Day 9: We learn how to learn Eclipse Collections using hands-on Code Katas.

Day 10: We learn the top 10 reasons to use Eclipse Collections.

Day 11: We learn performance optimization strategies using eager, lazy and parallel iteration patterns.

Day 12: We celebrate the Introduction to Eclipse Collections published on Baeldung.

Day 13: We learn about primitive collections in a Baeldung article written by Rodrigo Graciano.

Day 14: We learn about primitive set operations by Sirisha Pratha.

Day 15: We learn how to make your Java Streams code leaner, meaner and cleaner from Vladimir Zakharov.

Day 16: We learn about the performance improvements in NatTable detailed by Dirk Fauth.

Day 17: We learn how to sort primitive lists from Vladimir Zakharov.

Day 18: We learn how to flatCollect into primitive collections by Alex Goldberg.

Day 19: We learn why third-party collections are still relevant today from Craig Motlin.

Day 20: We learn about the API design of Eclipse Collections from Nikhil Nanivadekar.

Day 21: We learn how to by ourselves some time from Donald Raab.

Day 22: We learn exception handling strategies in Eclipse Collections from Donald Raab.

Day 23: We learn about retrieval, iteration, transformation patterns in Eclipse Collections from sendilkumarn.

Day 24: We learn about fusing methods for productivity in Eclipse Collections from Donald Raab.

Day 25: We learn new ways to create Mutable and Immutable Maps in Eclipse Collections from Neha Sardana.

Day 26: We learn about Triples in Eclipse Collections from Brian Vermeer.

Day 27: We learn about static factories in Eclipse Collections from Donald Raab.

Day 28: We learn the first set of hidden treasures of Eclipse Collections from Nikhil Nanivadekar.

Day 29: We learn the second set of hidden treasures of Eclipse Collections from Nikhil Nanivadekar.

Day 30: We learn the third set of hidden treasures of Eclipse Collections from Nikhil Nanivadekar.

Day 31: Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!

Eclipse Collections is open for contributions and if you like our library, let us know by starring our GitHub repository.



Sirisha Pratha
Sirisha Pratha

Written by Sirisha Pratha

Java Developer, Open Source contributor, Committer for the Eclipse Collections OSS project( Opinions are my own.

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